The School System

 What is the Purpose of Schools?

The purpose of schools is to give students a quality education. It is important that all children achieve their highest potential within themselves and society. Schools are meant to prepare a child with the necessary skills to function within the world. It teaches them how to effectively interact with their peers by the use   collaboration and communication in education. Schools also provide students with an environment to practice their basic social skills. They learn how to work within small and large social groups, simultaneously developing intra and interpersonal skills. Though education is the main purpose of schools, there is a reason schooling is not individual. Schools allow for the development of children on multiple levels. 

Who are marginalized students in schools and what do they need from our school system?

A marginalized identity is someone who feels disregarded or underserved within society. Marginalized students can be many things, such as, immigrants/minorities, women, people with differing religion or sexuality. The list goes on. Many of these identities can cause harassment within the school system. 
To aid marginalized students it is extremely important that all students are taught basic social skills, what should and shouldn't come out of their mouths and learn the basic rule "treat someone they you would like to be treated". Teachers and school systems can also work with the parents on this and offer feedback on what to do at home, if needed. Parent and teacher meetings are extremely important, especially in today's society, because they can discuss issues the student is having within themselves, others, or their education in general. In conclusion, marginalization is a huge issue in this generation and the first step to stopping it, is within the school systems in America.
