What Lengths Am I Willing To Go To In Order To Do Right By Every Child?

 When we start teaching later on in life, the most important thing to remember is that when a child is in our classroom, WE are their advocates. No matter what grade we are teaching, whether it is kindergarten or juniors in high school. It is important to remember that every child is a human being, they have their own way of thinking, feeling, acting, and learning. 

I think that was one of the main problems when I was in school is that sometimes the teachers would not accommodate their lessons to every students ways of learning. For example, if a student were not understanding something in the classroom, they could feel frustrated and upset with themselves. This could then lead to a student lashing out or bottling up within themselves and feeling aggravated with themselves and falling behind in their school work. So, there are different lengths we should go to for different students because they are all different people with different views, ways of learning, etc. 

When thinking about the different lengths I would go to I know I, myself, can only go so far for my students. I want to be able to connect with all of them and have them feel like they can talk to me about anything at all. This should go for all teachers everywhere. Like I said at the beginning, it does not matter the age or grade of the students, we still advocate for all of them. Even if they are eighteen years old, maybe they have a rough home life and have trouble speaking up for themselves. That is when we come in, and need to be able to realize these things and make them feel comfortable enough to talk about to do right by the people we mentor.
